Kup3 Marketing

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Uncertain Times

Things are uncertain.  It seems like the life we knew a week ago is long gone.  Offices are closing and people are working from home.  Many stores and bars are closed, restaurants are trying offering curbside and home delivery to help sustain business.  There are many services and businesses which simply cannot exist without personal interaction: video production, event/trade show businesses, many health service providers (chiros, massage, PT, etc.).  Hiring has almost completely stopped. The economy is teetering.

As small business owners, it's okay to be thinking of ways to sell.  It's okay to think about ways to make a profit during these times of distress (not profit directly by taking advantage of people in a bad situation). Many of us fly without a safely net, without any nestegg or government bailout in case things go south.

Fortunately not all is lost. Here are a few ways to improve your business during this stressful time:

Assess & Reframe - this is a perfect time to take a look at what’s happening with your business. Take a look at your numbers and analytics. If things are working, great, see if you can do more. If things, or aspects need improvement, this is a great time to pivot to something different. Ramp up your efforts for when things go back to normal (they will, I promise).

Communicate with Your Shareholders - this is where true leadership comes in. Your customers, employees, clients, fans will want to hear from you. Give them an update, tell them how business might change, tell them what they can do, explain what’s going with the business. The key is to be honest and sincere. Maybe you represent a brand, but ultimately you are a person and that’s what people connect with. This is a great way to connect with your audience and strengthen the relationship for the future.

Reach out - pick up the phone and call you list of contacts and ask them if there is anything they need, professionally or personally. Yes, you can still have interaction, just not face-to-face.

Stock up on Content - if you know me, you know that I am a huge proponent of utilizing a content marketing strategy. One of the best time savers is to create as much as you can in advance, then when things get busy or you need a personal break, you can schedule content for that time.

Improve Your Skills - you may have extra time on your hands. This is a good opportunity to increase your skillset and sharpen your sword. Take an online class (there are several online resources, including DigitalMarketer.com who are offering access to their platform for free), or pick up a book, watch a webinar, etc.

Things are challenging right now and many people are hurting, hopefully you are doing okay.

In the meantime, if there is anything I can help you with: some advice on how to generate leads, tips to drive online traffic, how to improve your social media, how to craft better emails, anything at all, please let me know - no strings attached, no upsell, no email gathering.

Be well.